Sorry but ObamaCare does not work for millions of people. Why? Because the insurance lobby found every loophole they could possibly find until they bled it dry. It’s ridiculously expensive. I couldn’t afford it. We must fight for universal healthcare again.
But at least it has worked for millions of people that didn’t have anything before. It’s not perfect by any means, but it has saved millions of lives, including mine
Lot of people still believe that liberalism is the be all and end all of leftist policy. Imagining moving beyond the democrat party is anathema, so easier to just accept the line they send that they're "trying really hard, guise, but those darn 'publicans are just too mean!" 🥺
This is an argument I don’t understand at all. It’s literally the bare minimum when so many other countries do more. What doesn’t ours? Because our politicians are owned by the insurance lobby. When I found out I had cancer I had the Healthy Indiana Plan 2.0. Pence was our governor and he was pissed
About Obamacare so he expanded Medicaid to include more people. What did I get? FREE almost everything. I think I paid $4 for prescriptions. I paid NOTHING for surgery for cancer. Nothing for my oncologist. Nothing for my GP. You don’t think we all deserve that? Standing up and demanding more is in
Everyone’s best interests. Not just throwing your hands up in the air and saying well, this is the best we can do. You deserve more. I deserve more. By the way. I currently have insurance through my job. I am worried my cancer is back. I already know I won’t be able to afford everything that
Another way they use their influence is by direct contributions to legislators, especially those in key positios-Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee-Top 10 recipients of campaign cash from seven insurance industry PACs, all but two are GOP
That goes back to my original argument for well over the past year. Both sides are bad. Both sides are owned by corporations, billionaires and lobby groups.
If a medic slaps a bandaid over a sucking chest wound you don't congratulate them for effort, you ask where the combat dressing is.