The title is Reincarnated by Kendrick Lamar. I've read that it's a tribute to Tupac. Adam, please correct me if you're referencing something else. But it is a great work.
My small contribution was a few interviews on the candidates mental status. I stand by what I said. The thing that kills me about the campaign is, I had to watch all the rallies because I didn’t know if I was gonna be called back for an update.1/
And I stand by what I said…Biden is slower, I think he got into the Tylenol PM for the debate, but Trump’s frontal lobes are loosening. His rallies were awful, boring. Harris’s were amazing. None of that mattered.2/
I’m floored by the fact that there was a whole Nother dark ecosystem that affected the race. And a wall of lies was effective.
It’s gonna be a long road back.
I will look for that. I’m old enough to remember when there was great music coming out all the time so I’m always on the lookout for something interesting. But something tells me this one is not gonna be a fun one.
Not saying that's true but. Like I get it now
It’s gonna be a long road back.