From my piece on The Snitch State over the summer ... the purpose of snitch states is to make you so scared of being snitched on you don't dare to say, think, or do that which is forbidden. If people are scared and silent it's done its job even if no one is caught
If any of you work for red hats, you can learn how to become an ineffectual drag on the company. The CIA tells you how to become a toxic employee and grind shit to a halt.
I love "never fewer than 5 people for meetings". Fucking brilliant.
It is a nightmare.
For everybody.
Except for those at the very top
Family's were separated & 'snitched' on other family members.
Convicted criminal trump has already separated family's.
Fox is the Propaganda Wing of the Party.
Maga is the Terror Wing.
Complicit elected and public officials are Collaborators.
Some are Infiltrators
Moms For Liberty are Informants
Musk Bots are Secret Police
'Faith Officers' are Political Officers 1/
It took Hitler 53 days to destroy Germany's constitutional democracy.
Day 5
Organized labor may be included in that group.
It’s not new- they are just mainstreaming it.