Thought that was what this guy was. Intense is one way to describe terrifying. 🤣🤣🤣
To be fair, I'm scared of chickens & parakeets, so ya know. I'm also convinced they can smell that fear. So, hilarity ensues. 😱🤣
God displayed His sense of humor when he decided to create the unique members of the animal kingdom. Some were meant to entertain us with their sounds & movements! While many are here for only a short while, they bestow upon humans the gift of companionship, obedience & unconditional devotion.
Queen of all.
Shell shocked
Good job, Alana!
To be fair, I'm scared of chickens & parakeets, so ya know. I'm also convinced they can smell that fear. So, hilarity ensues. 😱🤣
Don't know if I want to laugh or cry... or both at same time! 🎭