It is not difficult to understand that most of us are mainly interested ourselves. We need to do this or that. But some people are more of involved in making things better for others. All of us see the needs. Some cannot let it play out. We all wish we were better in caring for our fellow man. Me to
"There Has Never been a lack of things or money.
Humans Are Naturally Selfish.
Those Who Actually Care,
In Reality...Most Actually, Only Care About
In Reality...Not really their own mind, body
way of life or nation.
This is All Epitomized By That Noble Prize Committee."
I was saying that to my sister not too long ago. These billionaires who want to line their pockets with more money, could do so much good in the world. Shame shame on all of them!
Did Jesus wear a suit and pay all his bills before helping others?Did Jesus refuse to heal those who were sick because they couldn’t pay? Did Did Jesus refuse to share his food with those who hungered for days. Did Jesus refuse to give refuge to those who needed it most. Where is our humanity?
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharin' all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one
You're the "good" Billionaire correct?
...I challenge you to throw down the Gauntlet and challenge your fellow Billionaires to stop Starvation.
Not asking you to end #WorldHunger.
Just eliminate #Starvation.
Build Employment,
Raise Community Value/Equity,
Create Self-Sufficiency...etc
Along with Blockchain Technology bringing prices down, purchasing power up and easing Operations and Management. 🎯
Where the richest man in the world could fix this, but who instead chooses greed and evil over humanitarianism.
Humans Are Naturally Selfish.
Those Who Actually Care,
In Reality...Most Actually, Only Care About
In Reality...Not really their own mind, body
way of life or nation.
This is All Epitomized By That Noble Prize Committee."
"Most People Don't care about Most People
And The World.
Those That Do...Nearly All Are Too Tired,
Deep Within, to Actually Consider Others.'
"When People Are Tired...They Tend Not to do anything.
Yet We Must Hope For The Very Few Inspired."
"Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied" (Luke 6:20)
"Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh" (Luke 6:20)