There is no democracy under capitalism. The Orwellian dystopia has been here our entire lives. US politics is theater designed to neutralize the power of the masses. The only vote we've ever had for thousands of years that can't be disenfranchised or drowned out by bribes is our feet in the streets.
They are absolutely strategizing right now
They are more organized and have the biggest propaganda machine
“I say politics is the entertainment branch of industry … Politics is involved with salesmanship.”
~Frank Zappa
It's a nice dream, but nothing is going to change unless we have a real war, with real stakes, and an unfathomable amount of real lives lost.
As someone who lives in a red state, it really is astounding to me how they're just...rolling over. They call themselves "reasonable" and yet the only response I get from em is barely a shrug.
But we’re not gonna be cannon fodder for them. Let them figure this out.