Democrats colluded against Bernie in 2016 and 2020 to stop Dem Populism from hitting the White House, despite the fact a majority of Americans wanted it. So, we got MAGA Populism which is a sad second place.
I was born in Jugoslavia. TITO's time. Best system ever! Sustainable ... well, I think yes. We had everything. History is history, but at the time ... was like living in a StarTrek with Captain Kirk at the helm. Not everything was ok, but, where it is? Best time of my life!
And doing that in the 30s in turn created the robust middle class that allowed the average American family to own a home and 2 cars on one income in the 1950s. Reagan started giving money back to the rich with his asinine "trickle down" b.s. and now the average American can't afford a home at all.
Republicans grotesquely concentrated wealth in the hands of the few in the 1920s, leading to a massive Depression. Democrats reversed that, because they're the only party that gives a damn about working Americans and seniors.
It has not changed one whit.
Those Democrats LOWERED prescription prices for seniors on Medicare. The VERY FIRST thing Trump did after becoming president was to RAISE them.
There IS a difference.
When have you actually seen the Democratic Party's leadership standup, take the gloves off and deal with Trump on his terms. Sometimes you gotta get into the muck to get the pig
I wish they would do more — in the mold of AOC and Bernie. But they remain our sole alternative to Trump and Musk and more assaults on working Americans and seniors.
It's sad to watch them in action. Most are out of touch with their base. Last night, every one of the Dems should have gotten up and walked out with Rep. Al Green.
That’s because AOC and Sanders’ mold is from FDR’s liberal New Deal. The Democrats since Clinton have followed the conservative Reagan trickle down neoliberalism under the Third Way nonsense. Surprisingly Biden did renounce trickle down, but couldn’t denounce Trump ally Netanyahu and his genocide
"But they remain our sole alternative to Trump and Musk"...and this is why liberalism/Democrats are a failing ideology and party. if we rejected the fake two party but really uniparty system, we could be seeing a true redistribution of wealth again & vote in a real candidate like Claudia De la Cruz.
Is it ironic, or unironic that we are just about exactly 100 years from the last collapse?? In the future and they talk about the depression of the 30's they'll have to clarify 1900s? Or 2000s??
One of the people the federal government hired at this time: my grandfather.
Because of his federal surveying job, he was able to accumulate enough savings and financial credibility to buy a storefront and begin a business. Because of this, he was able to invest in a home for his family.
It has not changed one whit.
There IS a difference.
Because of his federal surveying job, he was able to accumulate enough savings and financial credibility to buy a storefront and begin a business. Because of this, he was able to invest in a home for his family.
Today, his daughter (my mom) is being threatened by the government that they will take her #SSA and just let her fucking "deal".