"Health care is so expensive that 31 million U.S. adults, or 12%, had to borrow a total of $74 billion last year to obtain medical care, new data shows. That includes people with health insurance, making such numbers even more troubling."
2023 Rev: $65B, Emp: 412K
Rev: $64B, Emp: 733K, 43% of which are #women
@senatedem.bsky.social @housedemocrats.bsky.social
#WeTriedToTellYou, but #politicians refuse to fix it bcuz #corporations are greedy campaign donors.
Thankfully, I qualify for monthly APTC Tax Credits, which greatly reduce my monthly insurance premium payments.
Otherwise, I would be royally & totally screwed.
Which is why we need Medicare For All.
#SinglePayer #MedicareForAll #UniversalHealthcare
they just wanted to live in a society where they can be openly racist
Remember the they’re gonna kill gramma via death panels when they were trying to pass ACA?
I vividly remember one Karen screaming that if you took care of yourself you wouldn’t have pre-existing conditions in the first place😑
I can afford it. Millions cannot.
Do not ever make fun of people who are missing teeth, even if they are Trumpers.
Profit kills.
#Cdnpoli #Uspoli #HealthCare
'An' before the definite article 'Evil Bastard', please.
I work out about 6 hours a week and a mo ago I injured my hip to a degree that I couldn’t stand up/sit down/drive etc w/o screaming pain. Finally went to the dr and have a torn labral and got a cort shot-past wk finally am mobile
HOWEVER-now the bills my ins won’t cover are rolling in😩