Is this the White House or a Pentecostal evangelical holy rolling group of cult nut bags?

This country has gone full blown psychotic I swear.

The fact that nobody considers anything here just a tad bit off.

Nothing to see here folks, just a bunch of bat shit crazy lunatics running the country


The phrase 'American Taliban' was coined in the world's media during the Bush era to describe the Christian extremists who were gaining influence in US politics. This has been coming for a long time.
Damn. I was unaware of that. Makes perfect sense though.
It's giving to the rich and taking from Jesus if they can only rip his soul out of heaven.
It's not just you...

Wow,just wow! Singing how great thou art, while arms are outreached in a nazi salute. If this is the Bible Belt, ima gonna let my pants fall down
I didn't see that at first, and I'll say it's still questionable... do most people have drinks in their other hand? Some arms are way straighter than others. I'm not sure what's going on here, but it's concerning. Separation of church and state!!!!
It was an analogy. These people are haters, correct me if I’m wrong, the Jesus I follow doesn’t condone the actions of this White House
They'd probably gruffly deport Jesus
How do you deprogram half of a country?
Christian Taliban!
Ooo, nice one!
Watch a Documentary on Netflix called The Family when you have some time. It will clarify what has happened as far as RW evangelicals, starting with The National Prayer breakfast.
I definitely will! Thank you so much for the suggestion
It sent me down a rabbit hole in 2019 and alot of things have not been a surprise to me. Especially when they overturned Roe V Wade.
MAGA, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, and Mormons all joined forces to start a new cult, I mean religion.

They were all basically the same thing anyways. They’re working on figuring out what to call themselves.

Anyone have any ideas?
It your church does not serve the poor its not a church IMO and should be paying taxes. It’s a social club.
The National Prayer breakfast is basically and auction for politicians…
💯 and Putin/Trump have used Evangelicals here like they have used the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia to bring about religious nationalism that empowers Putin and Trump. Trump last spiritual advisor was recently found guilty of molestation of a child from their church. Robert Morris.
Interesting choice of hymn. 😳
WTF... Are we in the middle ages?
Adults living in a fairy tale that doesn't have a single furry involved is weird.
Jesus H Christ !!
Yikes !!!
MAGA, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, and Mormons all joined forces to start a new cult, I mean religion.

They were all basically the same thing anyways. They’re working on figuring out what to call themselves.

Anyone have any ideas?
Nazi cult
MAGA, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, and Mormons all joined forces to start a new cult, I mean religion.

They were all basically the same thing anyways. They’re working on figuring out what to call themselves.

Anyone have any ideas?
Where's tRump?
tRump 🤣 Sounds like a really cheesy rapper from the 80s.

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing, where he was at…figured they were all speaking in tongues to him
Concerning, especially when Trump is the antithesis of Jesus's teachings. Not the anti-christ, mind you, the anti-christ is supposed to be good-looking, educated, and charming. Trump is none of those.
MAGA, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, and Mormons all joined forces to start a new cult, I mean religion.

They were all basically the same thing anyways. They’re working on figuring out what to call themselves.

Anyone have any ideas?
The Jackasses comes to mind, but it's early, and I've been under the weather. How about the Philistines? A biblical reference but also used to mean crude and uncultured. I feel they will appreciate the irony if they actually read the book.
Actually, I think they proudly call themselves, "Christian Nationalists".
They do, you’re correct
Uhhh, gross. I am moving to Canada. I hate the cold, but I hate Christofascism more.
I'm considering Mexico. I'm over the cold.
“In vain they worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men”. “And I will send them strong delusion to believe a lie”.
Creeped out
Lots of ppl see the lunacy and all dem leaders do.
Follow the money!
MAGA, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, and Mormons all joined forces to start a new cult, I mean religion.

They were all basically the same thing anyways. They’re working on figuring out what to call themselves.

Anyone have any ideas?
Please Americans, sort this out.
We’re all fighting against it with everything we have
That's good. It feels like democracy is being tested to the limit. Hopefully it can pull through.
Christo-fascists. I hate fucking Christo-fascists.
His ASD/ADHD taking over again.
Nope. Just high.
Wobble Lady got some K too.
Evangelicalism is a parasite on our society
Krazy Konservative Kult….. “White is Right” and the rest of us is trash.
The clown picked them specifically because of their inability to think for themselves
Evangelical MAGAt Christians deserve our contempt!

This small group of lunatics is responsible in large part for what’s happening in the US right now.

They need to be stopped. They are vile!
MAGA, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, and Mormons all joined forces to start a new cult, I mean religion.

They were all basically the same thing anyways.
Agree, all disgusting cults.
the audacity to exist as you will is itself authoritarian, you're thinking of totalitarianism

the crusades never ended and they all know it
This is exactly why the
“church” is losing members.. fyi: God doesn’t talk to them God ONLY talks to me.!! (does that sound like a con)? … well it is & everyone that tells you that God talks to them is a Con Artist & you are now their 🍭… You can believe .. just stop forcing it.. upon others
Jimmy Jones said the same thing~look where his cult members ended up.

Instead of "don't drink the punch"
We have "don't drink the orange juice"
For those that don't know Jimmy Jones forced ppl to drink punch laced with arsenic either by choice or in syringe :/ many ppl died adults and kids alike.
Funny how they're all too cowardly to admit to being recycled Nazis.
pretty sure thats not the White House...maybe Mar-Lie-O
👉Because that's what Narcissistic Psychopaths do.

Elonist Musk卐卐 &
dRUMPf (🤏🍊🍄🐈🫏🐩)

No Integrity
No Honor
No Ethics
No Morals
No Empathy
No Conscience
No Humanity
No Taste
No Intelligence
No Wisdom
No Awareness
No Honesty
No Faithfulness
Comment image
The truly unfortunate aspect is that they believe a supernatural entity will support them and expel those who oppose Trump and his regime. This has never occurred in the past and will not happen today.
While everyone is focused on trump this is the real problem.
MAGA, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, and Mormons all joined forces to start a new cult, I mean religion.

They were all basically the same thing anyways. They’re working on figuring out what to call themselves.

Anyone have any ideas?
Fukn weirdos, get out of my government
The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Further, you will know them by their fruits. In no way is Maga behavior scriptural. I am so sickened by the hypocrisy of these people.
Your all caps gave me a headache reading 🤣 But, you’re correct. Cult, herd mentality
Total cult. The fuC$ing world is upsidedown.
MAGA, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, and Mormons all joined forces to start a new cult, I mean religion.

They were all basically the same thing anyways. They’re working on figuring out what to call themselves.

Anyone have any ideas?
Too Stupid for Our Genes
“Gotta go pray to cleanse my soul after raping some kids…” these people are fucking demons.
MAGA, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, and Mormons all joined forces to start a new cult, I mean religion.

They were all basically the same thing anyways. They’re working on figuring out what to call themselves.

Anyone have any ideas?
They do that before all Evangelical orgies.
Don’t be fooled by charisma, power, or religious talk.
• Watch for patterns of justice, kindness, truth—or, conversely, manipulation, cruelty, and pride.
• In modern terms: “Character is shown in consistent behavior, not image.”
It’s an illness worse than cancer and more incurable. It can only be killed from within. It’s a fire that can only be stopped by burning itself out. Anything done from without is just fuel.
So perfectly stated
Damn☄️. 🇺🇸💩show
🍊🤡 would charge for the kool-aid and these fools would gladly pay.
Pastor Paula White- Cain televangelist at work! Pass the plate- Trump Bibles for sale on your way out!
At least Trump finally proved God doesn't exist by adding to the Bible and CLEARLY not suffering the biblical plagues described in revelation 22:18. One single good deed.
🚨Day 63 The fight against fascism takes all of us doing our part.

👇 Here is a great place to start with
Tools, Resources & Actions vs Fascism

Today’s Agenda:

#Revolution2025 #50501Movement #Anonymous #maydayprotest #teslatakedown
Comment image
Not a Christian in sight !
That is, of course, Billy Graham's signature hymn. Is there a chapel in the White House? Was this a prayer gathering? Whatever the case, it probably shouldn't be happening in the People's House. Cousin TJ would not approve.
I know the girl that made the commentary video. I’ll see what details I can get.
Very well said 👏🏻
Billy Graham would not approve either.
The Heritage Foundation is in control- as it pertains to forming the country’s future after Musk totally destroys it.
They are mandating that we all
get on that Project 2025 Short Bus.
Just another performance to appease the cult.
I would love to read it, but I don’t have a subscription and it won’t let me see anything
I would guess that all the red states are working on this.

Oklahoma, Tulsa, Cleveland and Canadian counties together account for 48% of all registered voters in the state but under SB 1027 could represent at maximum only 28% of the signatures for a petition.
Holy has nothing to do with this group of anti-christian MAGA Russian Republican terrorists.
America is over. Flee.
Just curious, is frump anywhere near that room? I'd be shocked if he had ever even heard that song.
No idea. I was wondering the same thing when I saw it.
What the hell???
MAGA, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, and Mormons all joined forces to start a new cult, I mean religion.

They were all basically the same thing anyways. They’re working on figuring out what to call themselves.

Anyone have any ideas?
I bet not one of them goes to church in regular basis