He’s a highschool drop out, went straight into the labour force at like 14/15 to try and support his mom as best he could
SUPER late bloomer and was always smaller/weaker than the other kids his age until around 18 where he hit a huge growth spurt (has meannn stretch marks on his back bc of this)
Has only one tattoo of a love heart on his hip that says “mom” on the ribbon. Very cheesy neo-traditional American style, kind of faded and blown out bc it was cheap.
Used to have a tongue piercing bc he thought it made him look tough. Accidentally swallowed the ball and had to take it out
His strength is kinesthetic intelligence. He might not be able to do maths in his head or spell certain words, but if you throw a hands-on problem at him, he’ll figure out what to do within an hour. Collects physical skills (sports, instruments, handiwork) like baseball cards
Wanted to be a figure skater as a kid. Got bullied for being “gay”, decided to give up and pursue ice hockey instead. His dad once told him before he died that he was “glad he dropped that girly hobby” and it hurts him to this day
Has super bad enmeshment trauma from his mom that makes it near impossible for him to form meaningful relationships with women (bc of emotional immaturity, lack of boundaries, a pathological need to be the “provider” or else he feels useless)
SUPER late bloomer and was always smaller/weaker than the other kids his age until around 18 where he hit a huge growth spurt (has meannn stretch marks on his back bc of this)
Used to have a tongue piercing bc he thought it made him look tough. Accidentally swallowed the ball and had to take it out