I'm going anyway. I've protested at my Capitol alone before. If no one else shows up, I will do it again. I found a notice for CA that says 11-4, so I will go to my Capitol at 11 AM and see what is going on. There is too much at stake to not at least try.
If you can't attend, you can still help! Alt right groups like the proud boys and patriot front like to pack their members into Uhaul vans to transport to disrupt protests....beat them to it by reserving as many vans as you can before they do!
If you can't attend, you can still help! Alt right groups like the proud boys and patriot front like to pack their members into Uhaul vans to transport to disrupt protests....beat them to it by reserving as many vans as you can before they do!
I wish I could go, but my roommate will have my vehicle. She pays the rent, so she gets it. I'll be thinking about everyone headed to Springfield, IL. Bring an extra sign on me.
If you can't attend, you can still help! Alt right groups like the proud boys and patriot front like to pack their members into Uhaul vans to transport to disrupt protests....beat them to it by reserving as many vans as you can before they do!
This is one group where we are. Look up in Reddit "50501" 37k members.
Also, at this point I don't think peaceful protest is gonna do much
2 birds with 1 stone.
#Trumpisacunt #February5protest