Those health risks exist for pregnancy regardless of whether the pregnancy is a surrogate pregnancy, a pregnancy inside of marriage, or a pregnancy outside of marriage.
I'm inclined to disagree with referring to surrogacy as renting as well, because the body part is not temporarily detached for
I'm inclined to disagree with referring to surrogacy as renting as well, because the body part is not temporarily detached for
There's people who think abortion is inherently immoral and would prefer both mother and child die in event of complications
Claiming to be morally opposed to abortion on the ground that "it kills babies" doesn't make them correct. Banning abortion demonstratably significantly increases the death rate of pregnant women without significantly decreasing the death rate of children who would have been aborted
My own opinion is that the mother should be able to decide, but there are cases of doctors being charged with murder over assisting in abortions.
If that wasn't the case, this wouldn't be an issue to discuss.
If someone has a moral objection to abortion, then they personally can refuse to get an abortion even if that kills them.
However, they should not prevent anyone else from
If the two are biologically compatible and the surgeon is competent, the risk of death from surgery is very low.
If either of those conditions are false, going through the surgery would be medical malpractice.
There's no complex moral calculus involved in that.