If consumer demand is flattish, and interest rates are high, how and why will any business invest in increasing productivity (for investment is the main lever of increasing productivity)?
I think it's neocon code for wanting more people hungry and desperate.
I’m beginning to think the RBA has a hidden agenda to instigate property transference to the corporations by forcing workers to default on their mortgages. 10000 a month becoming homeless in Australia.
I think they're stuck on a theory that household wealth is the problem and hence they ignore the wealth of corporations and the role that plays in inflation- becayse they idealogically in favour of big business. That's probably why maybe? I don't think it'd be so specifaclly corrupt as you suggest.
I’m not sure they are really that stupid. It’s convenient for them if we think they are stupid. Like thinking trump is stupid is easy. But they have all the power and it’s not because they are stupid.
They of course ignore that their methodolgy may be scientific but what it serves(capitalism) is deeply idealogical. Hence they become blind to the flaws in their decisions. I don't know if what i'm saying is right or actaully makes sense by the way. Just my thoughts.
hmm. I think they are a complex form of stupid. They practice a kind of scientific management unto a capitalist system. Hence they are convinced that what tehy are doing is merely the indubitable outcome of rational processes.
Actually they seem so scientific,rational and elevated above the fray that they look impartial. So I probably do forget that they are heavily entagled with corporate interests. And I suppose their lack of transparency leaves such specualtion open. But there is no definitive evidence for you theory.
No evidence. But might be worth a clever journalist poking around to find out if I’m right. Because if there’s one thing I know. Humans are usually up to no good.
In a shocking development, goverment and RBA policy seems to be advantageous to boomers (who have already paid off their mortgages) relative to the rest of the population ...
Conclusions jumped to. A great many Boomers have significant home loans and other loans from mortgages they are still paying off, or had to take on for urgent renovations to old homes or one of the many expensive surgeries/illnesses of ageing.
Current inflation was not demand driven but result of 2021-22 supply problems resulting in abnormal cost then price increases. Costs have since returned to near normal but price reductions have not been passed on to supermarkets or consumers. RBA raising interest rates was unnecessary
If consumer demand is flattish, and interest rates are high, how and why will any business invest in increasing productivity (for investment is the main lever of increasing productivity)?
I think it's neocon code for wanting more people hungry and desperate.