Australia's existing laws give Tanya Plibersek the power to protect the Maugean skate, but she is under huge pressure not to use those legal powers. Add your voice to save the skate;
After watching a show re' how disgusting fish farms are & how ill lots of salmon are & in turn not v healthy for humans, I'm surprised ppl eat them.
#Labor is a HUGE disappointment.
Maybe time to stop doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results.
Maybe time to Vote GREENer/TEALer/INDer next time?
#Australia #NRL #AFL#Melbourne #Sydney #QLD
But the Greens have no 'fluffy sounding blurbs' and state openly, transparently, and fearlessly their commitment to saving the biosphere that we all depend upon for life.
There is NO other political party in Australia that is so courageous.
I visited the Macquarie Harbour yesterday.
It’s time actually got to work to try and save this thylacine from extinction. #Auspol #Taspol
My guess is it is along the lines of - might be forced to retire wealthy