The longer we remain captive to the fruitless AUKUS deal, the longer we spend not doing other things that will actually help secure Australia.
Remember, we only get the submarines if the US President agrees that they don't need them.
Here's how that's going ⤵️
Remember, we only get the submarines if the US President agrees that they don't need them.
Here's how that's going ⤵️
The US current move towards an authoritarian state though meands that our force integration with the US will soon end and the US will be more adversary than ally.
this AUKUS arrangement
was anything but questionable.
It was set up
at the expense of the French by one,
Scott Morrison
I need say no more.
Submissive to the now sunk cost subs.
We have to disengage from America. Everything.
Starlink. Tesla. Twitter/X (really dangerous)
Aukus, Pine Gap, subs, and all the rest.
Of course the subs will be duds . It’s about bases for the US 7th fleet and communication systems. Marched against bases In 1974 when Gough was PM
Turnbull was a bit of a dud when it came to the Republic, the NBN and leadership of the Libs.
But I do agree with his opinion that we need to get out of AUKUs NOW !
He had more between the ears than Abbott, Morrison or Dutton and was articulate and ‘charming .’
Thought he was consumed with getting the position as PM and achieved sfa
Why would we break the US alliance? Let Trump do it
I just don’t think picking a fight with Trump is productive.
Need new trading partners, more manufacturing, jobs and skills
Meanwhile 15% of Indigenous teens in AS are homeless
Yes , we need new trading partners.
And no , we shouldn't be poking the American bear ,but we should be putting a lot of distance between us .