I voted for Nader... but in Texas. Look, I was 20 at the time and had Big Thoughts, which is one of those things that I have a hard time parsing around other 20 somethings having Big Thoughts on social media.
Sameish age, almost did that. But ultimately 2000 was where I established my “would vote for this candidate except there’s no chance of them winning so I’ll vote for the best one with a chance of winning” approach.
I had my own personal views at the time, though now, I don't hold the same views. I'm not sure if I would have considered myself throwing my vote away but I'm not sure I wouldn't, if that makes sense (I'm not saying you did. Just ... thinking about my own personal thought process)
Oh same here! I was TWENTY-TWO and full of piss & vinegar, while trying to navigate how job searches worked in 2000 while biting my tongue in response to my father's 25-year-old advice on how to do it "right."
Now I'm having flashbacks to when Young Angry Me would leave the WORST voicemails to the director of food services on my college campus whenever they shut down ALL OF THE FOOD on long holiday weekends despite the fact that we still had students living on campus.
Rutgers closed for Thanksgiving, Winter Break, and Spring Break though certain dorms, which had communal kitchens & private bathrooms, and all apartments stayed open. (International & out-of-state students often had to scramble then.)
It was A Time.