Walk out in unison when the man arrives, and then hold your own emergency state of the Union out on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
Reposted from
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
If you were in Congress, what would you do for the State of the Union? What do you think Dems should do?
Wear black. Solid black from head to toe. Black hats. Long black skirts. Sit in silence as you would a funeral. No applause. Just silence.
A funeral for democracy.
It would send him raving harder as his bootlickers cheer
Why is she asking randos on the Internet for strategy/tactics?
Sure. Blame the populace for not voting hard enough to gift wrap a win for you.
And then complain that the populace is not handing you a scheme to exonerate yourselves.
Who all work for the same DNC that she does …
And, somehow, no one knows what the public is concerned about.
My Suggestion as to what the Democratic congressional members should do for the State of the Union.