It's important to note that Boondocks was not predicting this event. They were noticing a pattern of US's actions as World Bully that dictates what is and isn't the truth to enact their political will through violence.
These 'white thug' characters are based on Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.
Ed III is 100% Bush II. The joke is that he's an idiot in power because of his rich family. There's also a gag where Ed and Rummy are robbing a store (as a stand-in for the Iraq war) and the store owner mentions Ed's father as a previous ally.
Hello Lupita
I'm really sorry for bothering you every time and I say I hope it's the last but I swear it's getting worse and worse so please if you could boost the pinned post?
I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life
These 'white thug' characters are based on Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.
I'm really sorry for bothering you every time and I say I hope it's the last but I swear it's getting worse and worse so please if you could boost the pinned post?
I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life