That may be what it means to some, Ivan. But opposing bad behavior in general is not an either-or proposition. Sorry this toddler-level lesson in moral consistency goes over your head.
I oppose Underwood’s bad conduct as a school board member, and I’ve said so so many times I’ve lost track. But the representative from Wasilla was EITHER going to be Underwood OR it was going to be Eastman. There was no third candidate. I prefer the non-Nazi. I guess you dont.
That is, of course, your prerogative, but your obsession with Jews who *actually take action to get rid of Nazis*, is offensive nonsense that could only come from a gentile huffing his own righteous farts
Once again, Ivan, that is your obviously dishonest spin. Also once again, for the fourth time, I was unwilling to support a Nazi AND a book-banner in the last election. You were not. I know that simple truth hurts your fragile feelings. But it doesn't change that it's still the truth.