Poilievre's Indigenous policy looks a lot like a threat. This is him saying the feds will cut funding for ISC, replace it with tax room - and if we allow resource development in our territories, we can tax it to replace the money the feds took. I.E. let the pipeline through, or no drinking water.
They weren't in BC.
Some were shocked when I informed them of Rustad's plans.
Give us the minerals, we’ll give you a tiny cut, & you go away to use that money to do the water thing I refuse to acknowledge is a fed responsibility.
Privatize everything, let's let freedom reign!!!
Doesn't matter that profits over people is capitalism in a nutshell, we'll have nice graves.
I read a poll that showed much stronger support for CPC than progressive parties. The CPC did not support UNDRIP, MMIW, financial compensation, etc.
I feel that Reconciliation advanced under P.M. Trudeau.