does anyone have tips on how to like,, practice doodling
i've lost it over the years. I have to undersketch and refine everything that I can't just freehand shit and it makes me Sad
i've lost it over the years. I have to undersketch and refine everything that I can't just freehand shit and it makes me Sad
Don't use the eraser.
Practice drafting and just make sloppy, messy sketches and shapes with movement.
I might also turn my stabilization down. I have it kinda high for smooth lines but it makes sloppy sketches hard?? In a way I can’t quite explain
I think it helps if you have a wonky tablet/pen that jitters, but I can only tolerate just enough stabilization to fix that
I can do a 3/4ths head from memory and that’s Bout It rn
if I like the doodle enough, I can just redraw it seriously later (and I want to redraw some jackbox doodles)