28% competence in Civics in Australia school is awful. Is Civics too sophisticated for adolescents? I suspect that kids doing Ethics (as an alternative to Scripture) would be a million miles ahead. The "moral" social order implied by Scripture lessons is regressive & limited (unless well taught).💣
The links between different arms of govt, the obligations of individuals, etc.
The fact that people confuse state & federal politics is one stark example .
Children learn from examples. Have they been shown good examples to learn from?
Informed voters, not only about issues but how our voting systems actually work incl the actual nuts and bolts which underpin our democracy. Understand both preferential voting and proportional representation. The ignorance is both widespread & clear.
There was no ethics teacher. They got a magazine that I had to read to them and no guidance.
n= very few, but I don’t think it’s taken seriously at all.
The magazines were very good, so the course has great potential