This is why the dark money needs to be out of our political system! If Jesus came tomorrow, he wouldn’t recognize any of these people! “I never knew you”!
Everyone should watch "The Family" on Netflix. Religious groups like this one have been around for a long time and have had tremendous influence. The Prayer Breakfast was started by these people. Scary stuff.
That's rich! I trust NOTHING that comes out of Mike Johnson's mouth! He has no problem initiating & supporting legislation that's going to harm his constituents. As he smirks at the camera...
It is unbelievable that evangelists get a free pass from all. They are terrorist. All extremists start with a religious ideology that is used to manipulate the masses. Education is the only way to save America and these bozo's are dismantling it. America =dumb, stupid and mean!
Why not support Republican voters who are expressing their dismay at town halls by confirming their realities? What can GOP voters do? Tell their GOP reps: Impeachment STAT or lose our vote. The downside would be?
There’s nothing secretive about the fact that Christian Nationalists have taken over our government and they seek to destroy it. This is their holy war. Mike Johnson flies the flag for the New Apostolic Reformation outside his office. There is no more separation of church and state