A sigh of exertion would escape the amazons lips, in her short time in the world above she has learnt to cherish what little time for rest she had got, she gently leant against the Pegasus, using its feathers as a pillow as she breathed deeply.
For a world so much more advanced than her own,
For a world so much more advanced than her own,
It does not matter however, for it was the amazons duty to protect them from such threats, including the incursions from her home realm.
Part of her wishes for a comrade,
But alas, as the last of the amazons, it’s a burden she had to shoulder alone, as far as she knew, anyway..
Another incursion was incoming, and she had to get to it, fast.
With another sigh she would hoist the massive slab of steel she calls a blade onto her shoulder.
The swordswoman was ready for a battle, no matter how her muscles ached and how heavy her eyes may be