It would be better never to have elected him.
Why did that happen? Let's address the root causes.
Some politicians do not want to give working people opportunities to thrive?
He is ILLEGITIMATE! He was NOT allowed to be on the ballots...he is DISQUALIFIED by the 14th Amendment Section 3 which makes it CLEAR that this Oath BREAKING INSURECTIONIST must NEVER be on the ballots AGAIN!
Yeah well...he was never supposed to make it to the WH again! He's DISQUALIFIED by the Constitution but $$$ bought him the WH once again! But he belongs in the Jail House...NOT the WH! So you gotta do what you gotta do to GET HIM and his SEDITIOUS org. OUT of Gov.!
Why did that happen? Let's address the root causes.
Some politicians do not want to give working people opportunities to thrive?