"..... Wait what." Hilda's eyes opened wide as her brain slowly registered the words Estinien just had spoken. "You'd take me along? For real? You ain't joking?"
Sure, she had been outside of Ishgard, but never outside their borders, really. All she knew was snow, snow and ... more snow.
For the+
Sure, she had been outside of Ishgard, but never outside their borders, really. All she knew was snow, snow and ... more snow.
For the+
"If.. you ain't joking I.. I'd love that. But you know I've never been away from home-"
He been almost everywhere in Eorzea but feel like it wasn’t enough. He has a thrill of adventures, thrill of meeting new people and their cultures. He also+
“Hilda, I’m being as serious as I can be,” He smiled brightly. “I know, I’ll be there to guide you.”
"Then.. I'd love to if you'd have me." She finally murmured. "But I'll need travel gear.. equipment .. possibly a better weapon, too."+