The takeaway is that the U.S. is an unreliable partner in defense, trade and climate mitigation efforts.
We cannot reformulate our fundamental foreign policies every four years based on how some people in Wisconsin or Arizona vote while over a third of the eligible population doesn’t.
We cannot reformulate our fundamental foreign policies every four years based on how some people in Wisconsin or Arizona vote while over a third of the eligible population doesn’t.
Reposted from
Aarne Granlund
Finns have throughout the post-war period looked up to the U.S. culture while balancing security with the U.S.S.R. and Russian Federation — this will change in profound ways, while we’ll surely deliver on the defense spending and increase our posture as a provider of regional security.
Once could have been a fluke, but twice means there is no way to avoid the potential of a third time.
If we have to be ready on a few months notice to upend our integration, there isn't much point in having it in the first place...
But they want to provide no commitments.
It's the mafia approach to governance.
'Nice auto industry you have there. Shame if anything might happen to it'. It's all sticks.
That's the main lesson out of that ambush of a news conference. The MAGA crowd is incensed that Zelensky didn't show the deference due from a vassel.