I hope this one turns out better than cara for me... let's interact!
How are you doing? Are you an artist too? If so, what are you working on rn? 👀💖shareshare I wanna know🙂↕️🧡
How are you doing? Are you an artist too? If so, what are you working on rn? 👀💖shareshare I wanna know🙂↕️🧡
Wish you the best with your ocs🫶🧡
Been working on a splatoonAU for Shadow, and maybe other sonic characters?? Just mushing my 2 main interests together
But please don't overwork yourself🫂
and yes i am an artist too ^^ currently busy irl and couldnt draw as much 🥹 have a good day valen !
Current art I'm working on is smthn for my Sonic Prime AU, and I'm also working on a Shadow cosplay💛
I'm currently working on a short comic and a small 3D diorama in blender for a university course, crunching on time though... I'm hoping to get everything done asap so I have spare time to play sxsg 😅
Saving time for sxsg is so real, sadly I can't get the pre-orden because of my region... 🥲
I had my very first dnd 1 shot campaign with a group of gd friends and had a blast! I'm currently drawing some funny highlights from it : D
Hope your day is going well fellow artist!👋
Every dnd commission I get is always extremely interesting and cool character, it makes me curious
I’m an artist too! I haven’t moved all of my work here yet, but I’m currently developing a comic :D
Oooh a comic? That's so cool! Is it okay to ask what is it about?👀
It’s about three drones (robots) on a distant planet. They’re best friends with a lot of baggage they need to sort. The comic follows how they’ll deal with it! 🙏🏼
(world ending stakes included, to make it all easier on them ofc😎)
Love your work!! <33
Satbk is so good... everyone should have an au about it tbh
I hope you’ll have a good day, I suscribe because I adore your artworks! Goodluck and I hope i’ll be able to see more in the future ✨✨✨
Thank you so much, and I hope you have a great weekend too! <3
I hope you're having a good welcome !!
I'm currently working on Amy,,,,
also working on a set of chao ocs for the seven deadly sins ^^
How are you ? So happy to see you !!!
Ohh sonamy?? That's cute💖🥺🫶
I'm also a Sonic artist and currently i am working on some pending commish
Awww that sonic looks so pretty🥺🥺🧡
And thankyou!! 😭💖