…- There’s no evidence Marcus Aurelius wanted to return Rome
to a Republic. He in fact selected his son Commodus to be his successor and they were co-Emperors for 3 years before Aurelius’ death
- The war that Aurelius won in the film he in fact died before it was resolved by Commodus after his…
to a Republic. He in fact selected his son Commodus to be his successor and they were co-Emperors for 3 years before Aurelius’ death
- The war that Aurelius won in the film he in fact died before it was resolved by Commodus after his…
- Commodus did take part in rigged gladiatorial combat but was not killed in a gladiatorial battle
- Commodus’ death resulted in chaos and civil wars, not peace like in the film.
There is more. But yeah, yeah heavy lifting.
The history of Rome by Mile Duncan and The Partial…