May it pelt Washington, DC W/worst cold, snow, ice event ever recorded. Your choice to attend. May MLK volunteers stay warm, feeding and housing our friends, family, & neighbors.
With so much donation, he will pay people to show up. Elon did the same thing by announcing rewards of $1M each day, etc. They have money and power now to misuse and abuse.
100%! Not just for Jan 20th. I'm a summer person, but every time I start bitching about the cold and snow this winter I stop myself and remember the environment. Especially with all the fires happening. Bring on ALL the snow and cold if it helps the earth! Freezing the Orange blowfish is a bonus!
It's unusual, this year so far in Nova Scotia we had one snow storm but it all melted and now we see brown grass everywhere. It's below zero Celcius (32 F) but normally at this time of year we have a foot of snow.
When William Henry Harrison died at 68, his illness became known because "Washington society had noticed his uncharacteristic absence from church on Sunday."
I despise winter, but I won't complain quite as loudly if Monday is miserable. So far, prediction is freezing temps, icy wind, & possible snow. This is one weather prediction they better get right. 🤬
is it wrong I hope the GOP get Pneumonia from the cold weather and Trump and other leading members of the GOP die ?
More sins I need to confess and get forgiven for
No, I don’t think so.
With the bull shit lies they’ve spewed, with disinformation, they deserve whatever Karma comes there way. May it come soon & in big numbers from their own voters.
To start on 1/19/2025 and continue thru 1/21/2025. Please include some of the wind that California has been experiencing. Let the climate change deniers freeze.
It was Zero degrees for Regan’s Inauguration. Let’s hope that’s one record the Felon47 will beat! If I remember correctly, they had to cancel the parade because it was too dangerous.
Next week polar vortex will hit N Michigan. Our high will be 7 our low be -30 . Lol I like sharing our weather on monday in dc . Look stay warm 🌹🌹☕️☕️💙
I know apathy played too big a part … but the total feckin ignorance is hard to swallow - America we’re better than that!
My fear however, is a Harrison scenario w Vance (ie puppetmaster Thiel & his evil mentor Yarvin) coming into real power.
Maybe we need a complete typhoid epidemic to run thru them all.
I voted for the giant meteor
It’s very weird. I almost don’t wanna say, but we have had an unusually small amount of snow for Chicago.
And believe me when I say, I'd rather do ANYTHING than move back there!
and says screw the rest of them to everyone
who showed up on the Mall.
We want to be the new Siberia!
More sins I need to confess and get forgiven for
With the bull shit lies they’ve spewed, with disinformation, they deserve whatever Karma comes there way. May it come soon & in big numbers from their own voters.