If you compare current USA to the Star Warse verse, the 'empire' is mango moron and his nazi administration. What you want is for the Rebels to take back the Republic.
Almost 100 protests happening around the country today. Find one to join or start your own. The Force is with us.
#TeslaTakedown https://www.teslatakedown.com/
Uh...are you on about the British Empire? If so, I can categorically speak for *ALL* of us when I say we're infinitely glad we 'lost' the war of independence.
Imo, we shouldn't have even bothered to fight to retain control of 'murica.
To be clear, 'murica is no longer covered by our warranty.
I'll provide the music.....boom,boomboom, boom, boom,boomboom, boom!,bdaaaa DaaaDAAARoompte boom, boomboom, boomWAAAWaaaa WHAAAAHaaaWAAAAWaHAAHe HOOOO Boom, BoomBoom,Boom..heavily influenced by John Williams
Take down your misinformation. You have over 150,000 followers. Be better please.
That said, I'm afraid it's now up to EU and others to support Ukraine. My country has lost the plot. Even once-supportive Reps are now opting to debase themselves further for Trump. Utterly shameful.
Go to sleep tonight, knowing we probably will have more nukes pointed at us than ever since the Cold War.
Confusing though,
because i don't trust
my X-wing fighter's
space traffic control.
Inflation + Recession + Pandemics + World War Spectre
Now that takes some talent! Another 39 days and we can be a sh*thole economic country like Russia, if we aren't already.
The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow tracker of incoming data is indicating that gross domestic product is on pace to shrink by 1.5% for the first quarter.
How soon is now.
Imo, we shouldn't have even bothered to fight to retain control of 'murica.
To be clear, 'murica is no longer covered by our warranty.
That said, I'm afraid it's now up to EU and others to support Ukraine. My country has lost the plot. Even once-supportive Reps are now opting to debase themselves further for Trump. Utterly shameful.