What an absolute F’ing tool. He knows this is a blatant lie. They’re already putting together 30 plus billion in subsidies to prop up the losses caused by retaliatory tariff’s.
Yes. There was a video going around here recently from a Missouri farmer. It is excellent. He explained how the right got farmers and workers to flip to Republicans.
If you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4CRk0J7ZPo
I watched about a fourth of it, & already agreed with his points. I would like to add that it didn’t start with Reagan. The GOP’s “Southern Strategy” had been working for a couple of decades before Reagan to convert southern Dems to the GOP by appealing to their racism. The GOP plays long ball.
Oh, good! If we only buy American produce, we will only have fresh produce when it's in season! I guess if the farmers all plant beets, we'll be able to can them to enjoy borscht all winter.
He’s so cruel, he has no conscience or empathy. I wonder what was done to him as a child that made him dead inside. There is no part of him that’s a human being.
Starting watching Mythic Quest. In the first season from 2020, there's an episode on Nazis, an episode on DEI, and an episode where in lieu of bonuses, there a soft-serve ice cream machine.
They need potash and fertilizer and 80% of what they need comes from Canada. Not going to be able to grow anything because they can’t afford the infrastructure
LOL... would ya believe, I do have a Jersey friend with some kind of palm tree he apparently manages to keep alive, but I don't think it bears 'nanners.
Don't they have a lot of greenhouses? Like, they're being grown indoors? I have some online Canadian friends who've told me some pretty cool stories about how they do stuff there. Bet some of the agricultural migrants shitgibbon wants to run off would be welcome there. 🫤
This administration is illiterate. The input costs for US farmers are poised to ramp by reason of this idiocy. Obviously, not with any meaningful counterbalance by way of output sale price (there will be some … so, also an additional inflation vector.). So, so very dumb.
Not to mention the availability of a variety of foods throughout the year that are currently imported from countries with different climates. Go to a grocery store and just look at where produce comes from. 🙄
The guy in charge should never make people hate him as much as people hate him now. Farmers, Republicans, veterans, everyday people, everyone else in government all hate him. Think how hard you have to work to make so many people hate you!
He's going to give people so much greatness they'll come up to him with tears in their eyes and go "sir, please stop, I can't take the greatness anymore, that's too much" and then he'll give them some more.
At the risk of being a broken record, as one who has read the entire Project 2025 (while eating Prozac like popcorn), it specifically states that no government aid of any kind will be given to farmers.
The POS is a Peter Thiel product !
Trump is a Bought a paid for POS himself , many billionaires have their hooks in him , but not before Leo Leonard from the Federalist Society
Fun fact, America gets nearly 💯 % of it's potash (used to make fertilizer) from Canada 🇨🇦. It will now cost American farmers 25% more....because of Trump's tariffs!
And who has all this money that will buy all this agricultural product ...hey..great golfer that you are...you're firing people..cutting jobs..we don't all eat ketchup off the walls ya know..to quote a great philosopher..does your balloon ever land
Fucking moron. Most farmers make their money from contracts to sell their produce abroad. Get ready to try to store grains and let crops rot in the field. Oh, and lose farms that have been in your families for generations.
"Have fun" is another one of his sociopathic comments. He has no idea what he is doing to the farmers, or rather, he doesn't care about it.
He has to go. We can't let him wreck the entire country.
Let’s Fuk with Trump by watch Servant of the People starring Volodymyr Zelensky
on Netflix tomorrow during the presidential address in hopes of having it get higher ratings than the presidential address!
"Start making lots" - yeah ok... and we're going to serenade Pete's Potash Potatoes to suddenly grow larger because there's a naked turnip singing in russian while spreading caviar over himself?
That's not how growing stuff works, Cheeto. You can't just will it so.
When Trump approval rating drops well below 40% (almost a certainty in 2025), a lot will change among GOP Congress and world leaders. Key is to limit damage to then - Ukraine needs to hold, SS/Medicaid can't be cut, and no recession. I think the recession is where we will miss on this.
Trump thinks that farmers can just switch over their inventory as if they were selling shoes or toys. He apparently doesn't know about seeds and growing seasons and the cycle of the years,, etc.
Usually if they make 12K over operating costs, it's a good year according to my cousin, an independent farmer. Another that sells to the gov't makes more but if his contracts are gone, so's his income and he's still on the hook for loans. And yes, both voted Trump and look pretty shell-shocked.
That’s a lot of hard work and little reward.
I just don’t understand how tariffs are going to help farmers to help farmers. Or any of us for that matter.
The last time he screwed with tariffs, millions of pounds of food rotted on the vines. The biggest customer of American farmers is USAID. We send tons of food abroad every year. The Govt pays the farmers for the food and the food spreads goodwill to America for their generosity. All that ended now.
T-rump is sticking it to his base. First with health care service cutbacks in rural areas and now this. These moves tell me he doesn’t plan to ever have a fair election again. We must stop him before it’s too late.
Translation from the original idiotic: "I destroyed the U.S. soybean market during my first term. Now I'll get rid of the rest of them. Oh, and thanks for your votes allowing me to destroy your livelihoods!"
Exactly. Management says “pizza party” while looking at each other secretly with their eyes going “think they bought it” and then sneaking out the back door.
Any decent business person knows never give your customers a reason to say no.
It allows competitors, in this case from other countries, to develop relationships with new suppliers. You will NEVER get that market back in full. You effectively made a decision to increase your competition.
Iirc, today a fully processed chicken sells for about $7 at retail. Roughly 20 years ago, adjusted, a farmer would receive about $1.70 of the $7. Now the farmer gets about $0.45.
Losing foreign markets to our competitors and having to increase subsidies with deficit spending is not much of a plan. But the real plan seems to be to force farmers into bankruptcies so corporate farms can take over
Shame they were making a living exporting their products. What was wrong with that? So you want them to market only to US while you cut snap and school lunch subsidies?
You are really dim trump.
Fortunately out farm has never been reliant on government aid and we keep it limited to what we need. Very glad to have a means to self sustain with this shitshow unfurling.
Or as they bar the doors.
My earlier point!
If you're interested:
but Rumpy isn't.
He LOVES his fries.
Most you voted for this chaos
Fuck you magats
Trump is a Bought a paid for POS himself , many billionaires have their hooks in him , but not before Leo Leonard from the Federalist Society
Thank you for putting this on my radar!
Somebody make him eat his diaper, please.
He has to go. We can't let him wreck the entire country.
on Netflix tomorrow during the presidential address in hopes of having it get higher ratings than the presidential address!
I have a farm and am thinking about geting pigs
Pigs eat EVERYTHING including old rotten trumps
That's not how growing stuff works, Cheeto. You can't just will it so.
The ones we should be pissed at are the ignorant, self-righteous trash that voted for him and continue to enable his bad behavior
I just don’t understand how tariffs are going to help farmers to help farmers. Or any of us for that matter.
Neural implant needs update, reboot, Ctrl/Alt/Del
- ideal
- think it is
- actual
I knew the data prior before viewing this video & the presentation was still stunning.
Even worse now, this video was made over 12 years ago.
Any decent business person knows never give your customers a reason to say no.
It allows competitors, in this case from other countries, to develop relationships with new suppliers. You will NEVER get that market back in full. You effectively made a decision to increase your competition.
Chicken farmers rarely have more than one option to sell their chickens. No competition, processes control the pricing.
The corps then buy out the bankrupt farms.
By "accident" or by design?
I know which is my answer.
Governor Sarah Huckabee wants you to see just how much farmers love Donald Trump farm policies.
Montana, $350,000,000+ loss.....
You are really dim trump.
First you need to seed, water, fertilize (80% of fertilizer comes from Canada, now going up 25%).
Then you need to harvest (he's deporting the majority of agricultural labourers).
I feel for your farmers, tough road ahead.