Like why? I don’t get the why behind some of this (well, most of it). With all the issues in our country, how is this a focus or even on the radar of this “administration.”
As is always the case, it is about erasing the history they like. They liked the racism and bigotry, but not successful women, African American generals or anything that isn't white. Or uses the name Gay.
So so stupid. Can only believe this is to harm America or they plan a draft. Who will sign up for the military? Well to do white guys? Pretty sure they all have bone spurs.
I am a moderate democrat and while I see the necessity of it, I am very much opposed to anything that divides us based on gender, color, disability, or sexual orientation. We are all just fucking human beings and it is 2025 that we need it shows we have all failed as a society and I hate that.
LGBT and Pride Month both stripped off Govt websites yesterday, very very quietly, with no fanfare. Haven’t seen a thing about it anywhere, and yet I know
Absolutely like I just said if we do not move back to the middle so we can win elections and hold power and govern for ALL the country they will win the power and they will destroy all our work.
Not in a reasonable mind and a compassionate heart sadly most of our country does not have a reasonable mind or compassionate heart so how do we change the hearts and minds. Pretty much exactly what we were trying to do in Iraq and Afghanistan. Slow change
The portrayal of DEI programs as unfairly giving people of color, women, lgbt ups on employment over assuredly qualified white males is in itself a wholly indefensible and racist argument. It places white males as the pall bearers of competency
I have actually lost a scholarship to a Black kid who was almost a full point under my GPA and I was ecstatic for him. He was a really good guy, raised by a single mom, he worked a full time job while going to school to help his mom. Zero fucking regret because I was raised to be a human being.
I will say I am a little pissy he now makes a high 6 figures a year as a manager at Raymond James and I may soon be losing my VA pension and benefits after 34 years of military service but hey I am just a white man right so I am getting what I deserve I guess.
I get it re-read my comment. I hate that we need it but I understand the necessity of it. I was 18 first time I got seriously wounded in combat. You do not know who your real brothers are until they have their fingers shoved in you to keep you from bleeding out while covering your body with theirs.
The time for tolerance of intolerant people is over. We needn’t show them any more decorum. What they are preaching, diluting with acronyms is hate, separation, and the message is being repeated so often it starts to sound innocuous.
Time to to shift left or there won’t be a left to shift to
Sorry but you are wrong you do not change anything with extremism change is slow and painful and happens from the middle. We need the middle to win the White House and every fucking time the party pulls to the left we lose the middle. We must pull back to the center and we must learn patience
Without the middle the right will have power and when the right has power that salt the fucking earth and dig up all the seeds we plant. You are like every young person ever you want it NOW! Sorry but real change takes time and lots of hard back breaking work.
There is a reason Biden won with the most votes in the history of our country and took independents and even moderate republicans in record numbers. That is because he is a centrist a moderate and once he had the office he was able to plant seeds.
Yes I know patience sucks trust me but this is a generational fight to for change we will not live to see it just like our founders did not live to see it all we can do is plant the seeds of change and make sure they have fertile ground to grow.
As a former resident of the rural South, there are still folks who believe the Myth of the Lost Cause as if it were etched in granite (which, in many town squares, it is).
Always annoys the piss out of me nobody should ever erase or alter history this is another of those two wrongs do not make a right. Our mistakes must be part of who we are it is the only way we learn to do better.
This is how it starts
Time to to shift left or there won’t be a left to shift to
They will probably do that too. Cause they are vile nazi racist scum.
OK, it's not that important 🤔
In a short while, Hannibal and Ghengis Khan will be declared white.