I didn’t say they couldn’t also be in the top 8.
The answer is 1.
The answer for the B1G is 5.
The answer is 1.
The answer for the B1G is 5.
That being said...
The wins,timelines, and lawsuits are well documented. I just need yall Hans to own up as to why we are where we are today. Most SEC fans can own when we play like trash. But the vitriol yall have for the SEC is just well goofy.
That's the difference between most SEC folks and much of the arguments from non-SEC conferences. History & Analytics matter.
Start with Ohio State’s offensive line.
If you are speaking about yesterday, well the OL was adjusted and did fine imho.
So really you've answered my question. It is a lack of acknowledgement or disdain towards Southern football and by extension sports culture.
I love my team obviously But there is a sense of unity that expands across a ton of lines, culture, ethnic, racial, regional... we can go there but
To keep it extremely simple.
"Full-On Rivals in House But Support Your Neighbor & Represent Us Well When You Leave Out That Door"
Not everyone abides by that now but that's essentially what it is
A.) Ppl are mad about a 1930s post-depression conf establishment regulations
B.) Ppl simply have a disdain for southern football culture or just refuse to acknowledge the impact it has in the development of our talent pool
C.) Ppl have just have been upset b/c ... i mean we just have more Nattys.
D.) All of the above???
What is the SEC doing that makes everyone else loathe us besides historically winning and the level of competition that we gain from our own southern region?
Fr, like what is the reason
B) This is an invented issue. No one has a “disdain” for southern football in general.
Its hardly invented. Again we can go there but thats an incredible deep dive on southern football culture that I just dont think most are ready for.
Perfect Ex.) 1988 ND vs Miami - Catholics vs Convicts