WOO THE BOYYY god I love his design. The first one he looked like a Lackadaisy character almost with that sneering face, this one looks more menacing.
first thing that came to mind was just trying to bribe your way past him with glasses. Then that went to “two-eyed monocle” befitting the fancy man.
Your getting chased down a hall with no lockers, you hand over the lil gift, he takes it and leaves, you think your safe and take exactly 2 steps before getting charge tackled by blitz so fast you fly into the next room
Hell now that I think about it he Probably looked like he was wincing from somthing because Blitz touched him and he’s the only one not in some suit, more like a backally ganger than the other fancy boys. Just “who the FUCK just got dirt on my suit” type angy but trying not to talk to alert seb
first thing that came to mind was just trying to bribe your way past him with glasses. Then that went to “two-eyed monocle” befitting the fancy man.