We live close to a Disc Golf course and I always wanted to try. My wife is dismissive but I get it, it’s not like it’s “cool” but it looks fun!
Someone invited me today and I kind of loved it?! 😊. I did TERRIBLY and the guy who invited me was super encouraging regardless.
I may have a new hobby.🥏💫
Someone invited me today and I kind of loved it?! 😊. I did TERRIBLY and the guy who invited me was super encouraging regardless.
I may have a new hobby.🥏💫
The “average” number of throws was 3, and I was consistently 5 and up to 7, still good times ^__^ the guy who invited me did consistently in 2. Hehe.
There’s no turning back now. I got suckered into this 3 year ago. Now I’m out playing in blizzards.