I long for the day when all the game developers wake up and realize they shouldn't work for these mega corporations anymore. Let them burn and fade away. If all game devs did that for a month, that's all it would take to fix 90% of all of modern gaming's problems
Work for indie companies, have them grow steady to be fair, moderate-sized companies who still think about the gamers. A dozen mega corporations controlling almost the entire industry is unacceptable. So few options, and no incentive to be better
You can't work for indie companies unless someone there quits because, unless one of their games blows up, they can hardly pay the few employees they have. Basically, an indie game company is a startup until it fails, gets bought out, or blows up and goes public which basically makes it a AAA.
How else are the corporate suits who did nothing to make these popular going to justify giving themselves a massive bonus, without getting rid of the people who put the work and effort in for them?
He's the fifth richest man in China so I'm sure he needs it