We invented increasingly compact and efficient heat engines, from the Newcomen engine, which was just 1% efficient, to the Watt engine, which was 3% efficient, strong steam engines, which were 10% efficient...
Our energy usage has also become more efficient. Stone lamps were 7x more efficient at producing light than open flame, candles 7x more, the lightbulb…150x more, and LEDs 7x more efficient still!
We can cram more transistors into microchips, from about ~100 in 1969, to 10,000 in 1979, to 1 million in 1989, 10 million in 1999, >1 billion in 2009, and >10 billion in 2019.
Let us hope that 2025 continues the steady march of human progress!
Let us hope that 2025 continues the steady march of human progress!