Featured in 169 countries. In many on the very first position of the games tab 😍 What a launch week!
#TheArtOfFauna #indiedev
#TheArtOfFauna #indiedev
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When you positioned the pre-sale, did you have to submit a first version to AppStore Review?
Strategically probably a very good move for this kind of app.
I released 7 games & apps over the last 10 years and this is the first one with so widespread features (rarely ever get featured in the US, but now I am!)
Yeah if you want to do a Pre-Order, you have to send a build through App Review like a usual release.
So I guess you submitted a working version, and iterated on the unpublished one from there?(Since you‘ve mentioned your final submit in a post before.)
- In "Pricing and Availability", you set the date to some date in the future (max 6 months)
- You submit a version to review as always.
- This has to pass the standard App Store / App review rules, so it has to be working
You have to set *some*date there to make it available as a Pre-Order. Otherwise it won't show up in the store.
- A prompt will show up, asking you if you want to publish it for Pre-Order
- After that, you can make new versions of the app same as if you would release regular updates. Iterate over builds, texts, screenshots, even platforms
But every time one of those was done, I could send it through review and makes sure that this part is fine.
(btw would be cool making a game together someday)
And I would love to collaborate on one in the future! 😍