Agreed. I'm done, don't worry. I'm just sitting back, happy in the knowledge that, if she is right and I'm wrong and hell does exist. She has definitely earned a spot there, what with all the false idolatry of a monster and all the bigotry.
No problem at all.
It always reminds me of those bait ads for mobile games, where they play the game badly on the video, in attempt to get you to download it and play it better.
It's our natural urge to correct obvious idiocy. It's too tempting to resist.
She doesn't care. So long as the gays don't get mentioned in schools, she's happy to see kid's education suffer and for kids who are "different" to live in fear.
To expand. Any book that doesn’t glorify the perfect atomic Christi fascist ideology family (it works for some, but not most) it is put on an over 18 only list. If a kid can see the the book in a library, it is 350$ fine for when a Karen complains. Libraries can’t compartmentalize like this
It always reminds me of those bait ads for mobile games, where they play the game badly on the video, in attempt to get you to download it and play it better.
It's our natural urge to correct obvious idiocy. It's too tempting to resist.