How do Dems not have a highly publicized document called Project 2027 that sets out ideological policy? Online voting, universal daycare, single payer healthcare, funding science research, etc.
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Because they’re not a political party, they’re an umbrella organization for a lot of different factions. They can’t agree on single payer healthcare, for example.
Because, like Republicans, they know presenting policy will provide a target for attack. Of course they should do it anyway but they are living in the old times.
As I read the rest of these comments I get really depressed. So many people are unwilling to do the work. So many people are not happy with anything except complaining. How can we just flop over doing nothing but whining about how bad everything is?
Democratic voters don't respond to shit like that. Every time a Democrat lays out any kind of policy document, people accuse them of them being too "Wonky". Democrats are always told to "talk like regular people."
Democrats have 90% of the screenwriters and comedy writers in Hollywood and New York at their disposal, but then they'd have to deal with all the journalists chastising them for acting like they are on the West Wing. They can't win either way.
It shouldn't be called Project 2027. I suspect much of the poll-level unpopularity of Project 2025 is just because it has an ominous name, a la "Agenda 21" conspiracy theories. You don't need to know anything about it to say "that sounds ominous" and disapprove.
Electronic voting machines are strictly only offline and never touch the internet for a reason.
Just do vote by mail like Colorado. It's a great system and I can track my ballot from the drop box until it is counted.