“tHiS CiTy oF tHe WoLvEs RoStEr iS BoRiNg”
This is the first mainline Fatal Fury game the world has seen in a god damned quarter century. They’re bringing every single character from the previous game along with franchise OGs coming home for the first time in 25 years.
Grow the fuck up.
This is the first mainline Fatal Fury game the world has seen in a god damned quarter century. They’re bringing every single character from the previous game along with franchise OGs coming home for the first time in 25 years.
Grow the fuck up.
Even the newcomers look great!
lol, I say
lmao, even
The twins
Literally anyone lol
Like even Grant fans have Vox Reaper. Joe fans can use Preecha until Joe's there.
and that’s to offset the fact that 236D was plus on block, he had a backjump divekick cancelable from DP, 646A/C as a launching overhead with super followup 😂
And Rick Strowd? I have a $20 bet going in my Discord that he’s the centerpiece character of S2.
We’ve got HURRICANE JOE! And PREECHA! And Mr Big! And a colab!
Buy this game, ya’ll!!!
SPG is literally TOP. Rev Blow is TOP Attack.
Just Defense only parries hit #1. Everything else has to be Hyper Defended, which is basically a SF3 parry.
There you have it. That’s the game.
while I appreciate what it’s going for, I personally don’t like it, as I never liked the SF3 parry system
but maybe it’ll be a little more forgiving? time will tell
And this is why you shouldn’t get invited to the cookout. Just stay home. You aren’t tall enough to ride.
Shit I paid $400 in 2003 money for a complete AES copy of MotW and I still say it was a worthwhile purchase. Wish I still had it (and Matrimelee... and the AES system lol)
(As in, both are just Southtown in different eras - hence why Marco is there and why Young Geese was the boss in AoF2)
-The whole MotW roster sooner than later(Vox in Grant's place)
-Andy, Joe, Billy, Mai
-A couple newcomers
And eventually other OGs. I dunno what folks expected?
I think all the rest will be in before then, but Grant they could afford to surprise drop him in a later season.
That’s “dying.” Not “dead.”
That sonbitch is coming back. And he’s my MOTW main. Give me the gorilla. GIVE HIM TO ME, SNK.
Yeah the exclusion of the dead tells me "just wait a bit" indeed.
The stories seem to point toward little things. Every time I see a Freeman nonbeliever I shove Kevs story in their face like "this MF is the only reason hes here."
and that suits me fine, because I have a hard predisposition to picking lethal himbo as a character archetype
Which in turn, makes me realize this might be the only legacy fighting game franchise that genuinely respects death...
I love Garou as well, but it's definitely behind Real Bout 2 and FF Special for me as an FG.
Which means S2 is highly likely to bring us Rick Strowd, I’m manifesting it now, the universe is listening