The US signed a treaty that would provide security for UA if it gave up its nuclear arsenal. The RU would never dare to attack the AU if they still had nuclear weapons. Now US do what promiced (still not enough, because RU took temporary some ukrainian land.
I bet US is serious about their treaties
Israelians will deal with Bibi themselves after their war will be finished.
After 9.11 every OTAN member helped US because we respect treaties. Dont be like RU, they have broke every single treaty in this war. I bet US citizens are not same as ru orcs.
Then repeat the next day.
y’all are nothing but an american imperialist proxy with a nazi fighting for
we should not be spending money fighting anyone’s war
I bet US is serious about their treaties
the us government doesn’t care about laws, look at how they ignore the ICC arrest warrants for israel
After 9.11 every OTAN member helped US because we respect treaties. Dont be like RU, they have broke every single treaty in this war. I bet US citizens are not same as ru orcs.