Please don't. This guy is basically the German Trump and is dog whistling his way around. He won't keep his word and will only do what benefits him. Also he is moving Germany far to the right which will ultimately benefit the AfD which is in bed with Putin...
It all depends on what weapons ZSU has at its disposal. Europe could, if the political will is there, make that happen. No doubt about it. The industrial capacity of EU and UK is many times greater than Russia's. It is a matter of deciding to do it.
It is one critical need, yes. But that alone wouldn't bring victory. Ukraine doesn't and shouldn't fight like russians or north koreans, with meat assaults. For fresh young recruits to have meaning these units must be armed to the teeth with western weapons.
#RussiaIsATerroristState committing a full-scale genocide in plain sight.
It is our duty towards Humanity to help ๐บ๐ฆ win the war.
Whatever victory takes, right now ๐ฅ
Zelenskyy needs to send about a 100 soldiers to Northern Ghana for Voodoo gun and shrapnel protection, they will decimate Putins Army in the thousands. Putin will no longer be with us in the coming months. November-December 2025 or early 2026. He will DIE and a woman will rule Russia. Mark my words.
But Germany needs a much much stronger military and lots more weapons and equipment and willingness to use this to deter Russia from attacking again in 2030-2031
#RussiaIsATerroristState committing a full-scale genocide in plain sight.
It is our duty towards Humanity to help ๐บ๐ฆ win the war.
Whatever victory takes, right now ๐ฅ
But Germany needs a much much stronger military and lots more weapons and equipment and willingness to use this to deter Russia from attacking again in 2030-2031