I have increasing doubts that Hegseth will be confirmed. "The defense of Europe is not our problem; been there, done that, twice," Hegseth writes, adding: "Nato is a relic and should be scrapped and remade in order for freedom to be truly defended."
Sounds very reminiscent of 1930s
I guess then the defense of The Middle East is not a UK or European thing next time they decide to go all Team America World Police
If he does get questioned, it’s very unlikely Republicans will give Democrats a platform to take potshots at him.
Who wants to be allied with the US, when they will f you over at the drop of a hat.
The Saudi Regime understands that US weapon manufacturers are better than Russian ones. Apparently Erdogan is fuming that he lost out on F35s for the S400.
And the US can give SA,
MAGA is a nation of bootlickers.