Hmmmm furry resumé? Let's see.

-2003: Star Fox 64 fanfics led to finding Yiffstar (now SoFurry) and VCL
-No local furries, so I mostly lurked
-2013: found MLP, met some brony friends
-2016: went to Bronycon and every one after that
-2018: met some furry friends
-2019: aquatifur, first furry con.
Reposted from E C M
‪Furry resumé eh?

-got on internet in 1998
-soon after found werenet and the therians, started hanging with them
-discovered term "furry" around 2000ish
-made VCL gallery in 2003
-First con: Anthrocon in 2004. Met lots of cool people
-Dealer next year at AC, made like $50
-Deeper ⬇️ rabbithole since
