Indigenous Honours (or Equivalent) Scholarships
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Indigenous and Environmental Histories and Futures (CIEHF) is excited to announce 10 Indigenous Honours (or Equivalent) Scholarships are being released.
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Indigenous and Environmental Histories and Futures (CIEHF) is excited to announce 10 Indigenous Honours (or Equivalent) Scholarships are being released.
$10,000 scholarships for full-time Honours or equivalent candidates (1 year).
$5,000/year for part-time candidates (up to 2 years).
- Available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
- Enrolled (or planning to enrol) in a relevant research degree at one of the CIEHF’s university nodes: James Cook Uni, Monash Uni, Uni of Melbourne, Flinders Uni, Uni of New South Wales, Australian National Uni, Uni of Western Australia, Uni of Tasmania.
- Supervision by a CIEHF Chief Investigator, Partner Investigator, or Associate Investigator.
- Project aligned with CIEHF’s research priorities.
Applications open:
1 December 2024.
Apply early—scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.