"Ah! I missed you all sooooooo very much!"
The little lady would bounce around giddily, her slender arms outstretched as she waves.
The little lady would bounce around giddily, her slender arms outstretched as she waves.
"No, no! You are! You're waaaay cuter!"
She'd wrap her arms around the attractive stranger in a hug.
"Aw~, thank you, sweetie. But you're still cuter~."
"Ahahah! Okay~! I'm the cute one and you are the very pretty one!"
Her arms would tighten around that curvy waist.
"Hehe, deal~. So, what's your name, cutie~?"
Her glasses would become askew from the strangers nudging, hands now moving to straighten them before finally replying to their question.
"I'm Cindy! What about you?"