Leftover salad pesto: two or three handfuls of any leaves; garlic to taste; a drizzle oil and a handful of nuts or seeds. Chop finely (or process) till coarse dryish paste. Makes great stir-through pasta sauce and makes us feel virtuous for not throwing away salad leaves. My ingredients in alt text
You can use any leaves. Nasturtiums are great, a bit peppery, and grow like weeds in a garden or a pot. Wild garlic is excellent and you can use the flowers of that as well as the leaves too. Use any nuts or seeds you like. I freeze portions in silicone cake cases
Two things I lean on when I want something comforting: baked potato (5 mins in the microwave!); or a pot of rice cooked with a nub of butter. Each can be expanded upon, or enjoyed as is.