Villainaires Musk and Bezos spit on Democrats and democracy.
How many Tesla and Amazon customers are Democrats? Let’s murder these bastards’ businesses.
Every bit helps. I have never grown a garden, but I'm thinking about planting cucumbers this Summer. I don't want to attrack critters though. There is a forest that backs onto our backyard, so that worries me a bit. We already get a lot of furry visitors, I don't want to attract them intentionally.
I live near a highly populated critter area and plant zucchini & cucumbers, & have strawberries every year with no issues. But, I have found they all love Brussel sprouts. Happy planting 🙂
I have to admit I'm surprised they love Brussel sprouts. lol I used to have a big strawberry bed, but I let them die out from old age because I couldn't stand the bending over anymore. It killed my back! I used to plant cucumbers, too, when I had a large garden spot. Now there is just me.
I think Trump's actual policies have more impact on these companies than anything. I support resistance but it may be better to let him take the blame for the crashing economy without letting the left/resistance get turned into a scapegoat.
Stop buying from any of these companies and their affiliates and/or products. Their owners will go bankrupt along with their companies:
Tesla - Musk
Amazon - Bezos
META - Zuckerberg
That's a good start! They are all losing market share.
Consumers Rule The World.
It's like these assholes popped out of a history book. He's fucking it up to weaken us. He's trying to make it hard for anyone to resist. That money you think they're trying to save for the government, is just enough to pay for a civil war. They're making us pay for our own demise! Genius.
The boycotts teach many things, among them how hard it is for us Americans to take even a short break from our relentless, addictive shopping. But learning to do without, make do, and repurpose to avoid consumption is good for planet, wallet, and soul. Plus it’s fun to stick it to Bezos et al.
Got it. Sorry, it failed in Canada. Didn’t realize you were Canadian. We’re trying to starve certain retailers here in US that dropped DEI in addition to Amazon/Tesla. I find/ buy tons of Canadian products at Trader Joe’s etc (heads up for Americans). Glad to have people outside sending a message.
True...but if something doesn't happen soon to him and Musk's decimation of the economy, jobs, prices and the social safety net, he might as well have. 🥺
Let's hope very quickly. His own tweets are now very pro-Russian, pro-apartheid, anti-European, etc. He's feeling the freedom to insult anyone he chooses, and in my view, is acting illegally as a foreign agent!
Yes, but he only owns a 12% stake in Tesla. If the company faced collapse they’d have to make a tough choice. I doubt their investors would be willing to lose everything for him.
Pick up your vegetables seeds folks. Food prices will go up. Lettuce, cherry tomatoes, squash and cucumbers are easy introductions to growing your own in a pot on a front porch, balcony or patio!
I love seeing garden seed sprout. We have some freezing temps yet. A couple of nights. I'll get my seeds this week and plant some things and protect them.
How many Tesla and Amazon customers are Democrats? Let’s murder these bastards’ businesses.
Quit Amazon last week.
It's the only way this country learns anything, by economic ruin.
Stop buying from any of these companies and their affiliates and/or products. Their owners will go bankrupt along with their companies:
Tesla - Musk
Amazon - Bezos
META - Zuckerberg
That's a good start! They are all losing market share.
Consumers Rule The World.
Trump makes COMMERCIALS on White House property using taxpayer $$$ and time.
#corruption #tesla #trump #musk
they won't brag about it in commercials
they won't take out a page long ad in the papers
but they KNOW what we are doing. They count pennies, they FEEL this. They will never admit it, but this is what actually SCARES them.